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My name is Bobby Childs.  A New Orleans area native, I love television and I love whiskey. I’m lucky enough to work in both industries. During the day I create  compelling content as an Emmy-winning promotions producer at WGNO-TV, the New Orleans ABC affiliate.

My spare time is all about whiskey.  In early 2014, I launched AdventuresInWhiskey.com. My goal was simple: sample new whiskies and share my thoughts as a novice whiskey enthusiast.  When I’m not obsessing over some delicious whisk(e)y or listening to the Rolling Stones, I happily spend time with my loving wife Carly.


You’ll notice a numerical rating at the bottom of my review posts done on a 10-point scale.  This rating isn’t meant to be an end all-be all summation of the whiskey being reviewed.  The rest of the post will help inform and guide you when seeking out new whiskies.  What the numerical represents is where I would place that whiskey on a 10-point scale based on taste, value and attainability.  All whiskey reviews are subjective.  Where I would rate a particular whiskey low, you might rate it higher.  It’s a matter of personal taste preferences.


I buy a lot of whiskey with my hard-earned cash.  I also receive free whiskey samples from distilleries or their marketing firms.  These samples always arrive no-strings attached.  I do not get paid nor am I asked to post positive reviews.  Every review is an honest one, no matter where the whiskey comes from.  When writing a post, I’ll disclose whether or not it was a review sample.

Feel free to send me a note here.  I’d love to hear from you.

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